Wednesday 20 March 2013

Talk about India, from India with you

Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening my friends, wherever you are! This 11:00pm. 20thth March, 2013, Wednesday in India. 

Friends, as I promised, I’m going to share some facts about how to fight against drug addiction and how to help the persons who suffered by the 'curse'!

The best tool against developing an addiction is avoiding drug or alcohol use in the first place. But that’s easier said than done. Many people begin using as young as age 13 and are too young to realize the damaging impact addiction will have on their lives. If you are lucky to have recognized the addiction pattern early, then follow these steps to prevent developing an addiction.
Understand How Alcohol and Drug Addiction Develops

Alcohol and drug addiction starts by:

  1. Using addictive drugs (illicit or prescribed) for recreational purposes.
  2. Abusing an addictive prescription medication.
  3. Seeking out intoxication every time you use.

If You Have a Drug or Alcohol Abuse Problem, Get Help Now. 

Alcohol and drug abuse and alcohol and drug addiction are defined differently. A person who uses heavily and then can abruptly stop is considered to be abusing alcohol or drugs. But addiction occurs when the body requires the alcohol or drugs to stop withdrawal symptoms. The line between abuse and addiction is not solidly defined because a person may be abusing alcohol and drugs and experiencing the negative consequences of addiction. Abuse can turn into addiction if it is not treated. Call Recovery Connection at 800-993-3869 and eliminate alcohol and drug abuse from your life today!
Avoid Temptations and Peer Pressure. 

You may have heard the expression, “You’re only as good as the company you keep,” and in reality, that statement is true. If you have friends or family members who pressure you to use alcohol or drugs, avoid them. Make new friends who practice healthier habits, who do well in school, who are motivated at work and who have goals.

Find the Support You Need. 

People struggling with emotional distress are at greater risk for developing an addiction to drugs or alcohol if they have not developed coping skills. If you have events or experiences in your past that affect your feelings, find a reliable and healthy source of support.

Practice Healthier Living Habits.  

Exercise, eating well and meditation are excellent ways to avoid using drugs or alcohol. Quite often, the results you feel from living a healthier lifestyle can help you resist the temptation to use drugs or alcohol to escape. A healthy body helps you cope with daily stress. If you have practiced living healthy and managing stress, a trauma can more easily be managed.

At the end I want to say that, there is no specific way to recovery. However, one thing that is common is strong will power, without which no one can come out clean. Once you're ready only then any rehab program can come to your rescue. Also, you need to be particular about the kind of rehab program that you wish to undergo.

That’s all for today, friends! If my post helps someone, I will be so happy and satisfied! Take very care of your family and children! Have a good day/ afternoon/evening/night! Namaskar.

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